Linux magazine print edition #289 covering and its wonderful uses!
As featured in!
Find out what other people are saying about our service and project!
Let us watch the pages for changes automatically for you with our official cloud subscription, nothing to install.
Linux Magazine print edition #289 -
Technotim - Track Changes Online with ChangeDetection, a Self-Hosted Docker Container!
Techno Tim covers some great information for those who choose to self-host, read more!
YouTube @DanievanderMerwe gives an amazing overview of how to use and enjoy
Checkout YouTube @DanievanderMerwe's wonderful and insightful demonstration video of how to use
- - Make Mastodon announcements from RSS feeds!
How to setup Mastodon notifications from and toot when your favourite RSS updates!
"Here are the steps to get the information from the RSS feed. I run this once or twice a day and just grep the latest entry of the RSS feed because I normally do not post more than once a week. So this should be fine for my personal blog."
The Web Scraping club - On !
Co Founder of, web scraper with 10+ years of experience, writing The Web Scraping Club - read his coverage of our tool right here.
Make Use Of Blog - with RaspberryPi for monitoring web page changes
Whatever the reason, there's often a need to monitor a web page for changes, and by running on your Raspberry Pi, you can monitor as many sites as you like and receive notifications through services such as Discord, email, Slack, and Telegram. It's an incredibly useful tool.
Chris hutchins with Steph Smith - Use the Internet Better: The Tools and Tactics You Need
Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or a casual browser, you’ll gain practical strategies to unlock the internet’s full potential.
Noted blog - detailed overview of ChangeDetection
In this article, Noted will provide a detailed overview of ChangeDetection, including its features, benefits, and how it works.
Formable YouTube blogs - Some great ways to use change detection
AlternativeTo - is the best alternative for web page change detection
Feel the love over at AlternativeTo, find out why we are the best! ( Not according to us, but by everyone else :-) )
First time we hit the front page on YC Hacker news
A proud moment, first time we made it to the front page on YC invest's hacker news!
What Website and Webpage Changes Easily with this amazing App: ChangeDetection
- - Supported by RedHat - About
Read this indepth tutorial from - Supported by RedHat - Use to get alerts when a website makes changes or updates.
@buf0rd - A walk through of
A walk through of A python app allowing a person to maintain a self hosted website monitor. Great for catching website deals and news updates.
NMAAS EU - Using mini tutorial
NMAAS EU gives a great short overview of getting updates via email when a text change is detected.
YouTube @scottibyte shows how he uses changedetection to monitor software updates
YouTube @scottibyte shows how he uses changedetection to monitor software updates, product restock/price monitoring and notifications.
Text version also here
@Destroy43 gives a quick demo on watching prices with
@DBTech YouTube - demonstration
@DbTech Gives a great overview of text filters and notifications with!
Using to get the latest Azure Networking updates
Check out this wonderful video tutorial from Adam Stuart over on his channel!
Ship-yard covers
Welcome to Shipyard’s Docker Compose Community Spotlight series! During this series, we’ll feature a new Docker Compose-enabled open source project every week, show you how to run it on Shipyard, and how to contribute. This week, we’ll be featuring by GitHub user dgtlmoon.