Kmart Shopping - Easily monitor prices and get restock alerts via email, discord, and others.
Kmart is a great place to shop for every day needs, but what is even better is getting alerts when items come back in stock or when they are on sale (price reduced!)
In this quick tutorial I'll show you how to setup to notify you when items are re-stocked or have a price change.
So let's say for example we want to monitor the prices and restock situation with Feminine Hygiene products over at the Kmart website

Adding the Kmart products for monitoring price and restock.
Simply access each page, and copy+paste the URL/web address of the product into your monitoring page, for example, the first product would be

Copy+paste this address into the "Add a webpage" box at the top of the monitoring page and select the "Re-stock & Price detection for single product pages" option.
( Pro tip: You can also use our Web page change and price change detection Chrome plugin )

Now on the front page of the application, you can see the restock status and pricing of your products that you're interested in

What's really nice here is that you can see the price and restock status of all your favourite products in one view, green = instock :)
The system will recheck all the items at the default recheck interval. There are many other options to explore such as increasing or decreasing the product page recheck schedule, checking between dates (maybe you only want to check on a weekday?) as well as setting "high" and "low" price thresholds - So you can get an alert when the product drops below $4 AUD for example.
Setting up the alerts / notifications
There are 90+ different ways that you can be notified, such as email (the most classic way), Discord, MS-Teams and others, in the easiest way just visit "Settings" and "Notifications" then click "Add email"

When the product is restocked OR has a price change you will then receive an alert to your email box :)
Happy shopping and we hope we saved you a few dollars :)