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Monitoring HTML "SELECT" drop down for changes to options

By Stephen, Updated 11 October, 2024
Topic will automatically show any changes to <select><option> values, infact it renders them out ready for change detection on the fly

For example if we had..

<select name="cars" id="cars"> 
 <option value="volvo">Volvo</option> 
 <option value="saab">Saab</option> 
 <option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option> 
 <option value="audi">Audi</option> 

So this would appear by default in the "Preview"( or notification text )  as "Volve Saab Mercedes Audio", however if you really wanted to see what changed you can also switch to HTML Source mode can also monitor the HTML source of a web-page by simply prepending the "source:" keyword to the start of a page, for example below ;

(more on monitoring changes to HTML sourcecode here)

Adding a URL for web page change detection of select element


Then we can skip over to Filters & Triggers  and add select, this way we can just focus on the <select> element for monitoring changes



After a quick recheck, we can now see that "skoda" was added to the dropdown select element list items ( and if we configured notifications, we could get a notification via Discord, slack, email etc)

HTML Select with changes ready for alerts

Happy change detecting :)